
Welcome to the dog paradise

Fenced dog area, next to the event meadow, now with agility park.

Dog beach, please use the beach access at C/D Platz.

There are 8 stations where you can pick up and dispose of dog waste bags.

In the parking lot, at the playground at the entrance, on the cliffs (at the small pond), at the 2nd beach entrance C/D Platz, at the wash house C/D Platz, at the transition to the mobile homes, at the dog area, at the beginning of the event meadow.

The dog shower is located in the entrance area at the back of the men's toilet, accessible via the passageway at reception.

The following dog breeds are not permitted on our site:
American Pit Bull Terrier. American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Bullterrier,
and mixed breeds of the 4 breeds mentioned above.


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