
There are so many playgrounds all over the site, have you discovered them all yet?

There are so many playgrounds all over the site, have you discovered them all yet?

At the swimming pool, at the main sanitary building A-place, Miniby next to the boatyard, on the cliffs in B-place, the kite meadow, at the end of Heideby and on the event meadow.

In the area of the boatyard there are 2 children's roller coasters that are powered by bicycles, there is also an 8-field trampoline facility.

Children's entertainment at the back of the reception in the "Rabennest", Cinemaxi (cinema) next to the sea view, indoor playground in the beach hall, opposite the reception.

Youth area with DJ booth in the entrance area behind the kite store.

There is a skating rink on the event meadow.

In the Heideby hall there is a bouncy castle land with chain carousel and other attractions.

Camper Aktiv Center, above the swimming pool, only open at certain times. Access only from the age of 12.

VR Arena above the swimming pool, access via the indoor playground. Access from the age of 10.


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