Gut Sophienhof & Herrenhaus Ludwigsburg

The agricultural estate was extended in 2007 with some sports areas and gastronomy. Here you have the opportunity to experience the sport "golf" in different ways. Whether in swing golf, soccer golf or indoor mini golf. At Gut Sophienhof there is something for all ages. In the resident gastronomy you can enjoy hot meals and homemade cakes as you like. The manor house in Ludwigsburg was built at the beginning of the 15th century. It is very famous for its "colorful chamber" and Renaissance garden. A visit is possible by appointment.

The agricultural estate was extended in 2007 with some sports areas and gastronomy. Here you have the opportunity to experience the sport "golf" in different ways. Whether in swing golf, soccer golf or indoor mini golf. At Gut Sophienhof there is something for all ages. In the resident gastronomy you can enjoy hot meals and homemade cakes as you like. The manor house in Ludwigsburg was built at the beginning of the 15th century. It is very famous for its "colorful chamber" and Renaissance garden. A visit is possible by appointment.


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