Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Our mobile homes

Since July 2017 you have the opportunity to spend your vacation in one of our newly built mobile homes. We offer 4 different types of mobile homes, all of which are cozy and equipped to a high standard.

For 2 people we offer the mobile home "Chalet", which is bookable from one night.

To spend a cozy Baltic Sea vacation with the family, the mobile homes "Ostseelodge" or "Landhaus" are just right for you. Two adults and two children will find room here.

For a few romantic days for two, we offer you the mobile home "Romantik Huus", which are all located in the first row to the Baltic Sea.

The individual equipment of our mobile homes can be found in our flyer.

The mobile homes of Camp Heideby can only be reached via our adjacent camping site.

Therefore, car traffic is not possible in the time from 13:00 - 15:00 and from 22:00 - 7:00. During this time, the vehicle can be parked in the parking lot in front of the barrier.

Model type "Chalet"

Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Model type "Ostseelodge"

Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Model type "Landhaus"

Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Model type "Romantik Huus"

Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide


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