Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Mobile home type "Ostseelodge"

3 room mobile home

Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Skizze Mietobjekt Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Our 37 m² mobile home with a cozy living area has 2 bedrooms, an open kitchen, a tiled bathroom and a 14 m² terrace. Pillows and comforters are provided in the mobile home. Bed linen & towels are not included in the price, but can be added as an extra service. The electricity and gas consumption, as well as the person fee are included in the rental price.

A maximum of 1 dog is allowed in the Ostseelodge.

There are 4 beds with 80x200cm each in the Ostseelodge.

Online booking

Click here for extra services

Prices mobile home "Ostseelodge" 2025

Seasonal times

Peak season A

Peak season B

Early and low season C

Pre and low season D

Travel time

19.07. - 09.08.

05.07. - 19.07.,
09.08. - 23.08.

12.04. - 26.04.,
24.05. - 05.07.,
23.08. - 13.09.

01.04. - 12.04.,
26.04. - 24.05.,
13.09. - 12.10.

Prices are per night

169,00 €
(from 7 nights)

149,00 €
(from 7 nights)

122,00 €
(from 3 nights)

96,50 €
(from 3 nights)

All prices listed above include the currently valid value added tax.

Flyer mobile homes

Reservation conditions

Campsite rules

Site plan mobile homes

Price list 2025

Spring package

Autumn package

26.04. - 05.07.

16.08. - 12.10.

Stay 14 days and pay only 12 days.

Stay 14 days and pay only 12 days.

We give you 2 nights for free.

We give you 2 nights for free.

All packages must be booked at least 7 days before arrival.
A double or subsequent discount is not possible.

Inventory list mobile home Ostseelodge

Kitchen inventoryKitchen inventoryLiving- dining areaBedroom/Bathroom
8 menu spoons1 sauce ladle4 chairs1 wool blanket
8 menu forks1 bottle opener4 chair pads4 pillows
8 menu knives1 Corkscrew1 dining table4 comforters
8 coffee spoons1 peeler1 small table4 mattress covers
8 cake forks1 can opener1 TV + remote control4 mattresses
6 long drink glasses1 measuring cup1 Floor lamp1 trash can
4 wine glasses1 lemon squeezer1 rocking chair1 puller
4 champagne glasses1 sieve1 stool1 toilet brush
4 cups2 cutting boards1 Carpet
8 saucers2 trivets cork1 sofaTerrace
4 cups1 trivet black / rubber1 armchair1 garden table
1 bread knife4 pcs pot set1 decorative pillow4 garden chairs
1 meat knife1 pan large1 TV cabinet1 doormat
1 Paring knife1 pan small1 living room table
1 potato peeling knife1 trash can each organic/large1 Inside thermostatCorridor
1 milk jug1 cutlery box1 doormat welcome8 hangers
1 sugar/jam can 1 Flower decoration
4 egg cupsKitchen appliances
4 plates deep 24 cm1 ToasterBroom cupboard
4 plates flat 25 cm1 coffee maker1 ashtray
4 plates flat 20 cm1 electric kettle1 hand brush + shovel
2 compote bowls 13 cm1 dishwasher1 broom
1 Salatiere round 30 cm1 stove1 drying rack
1 Platte oval Fahne 29 x 21 cm1 Oven1 House rules
1 whisk large1 extractor hood2 dog bowls
1 soup ladle1 refrigerator with icebox
1 spatula
1 scissors
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